What does Lane Kiffin's new girlfriend, Sally Rychlak, do for a living? A sneak peek into the person

Lane Kiffin's social life has often been speculation fodder, mostly due to his daughter, Landry Kiffin's social media videos. The viral prank videos have been labeled 'Kiffin moments'. Landry Kiffin is Lane's eldest daughter with Kayla Reaves, and she has become a social media celebrity due to her cheeky videos. Her parents separated in 2016,

Lane Kiffin's social life has often been speculation fodder, mostly due to his daughter, Landry Kiffin's social media videos. The viral prank videos have been labeled 'Kiffin moments'.

Landry Kiffin is Lane's eldest daughter with Kayla Reaves, and she has become a social media celebrity due to her cheeky videos. Her parents separated in 2016, when she was 10 years old.

Kiffin is currently dating Sally Rychlak.

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According to her LinkedIn profile, Rychlak is a major gifts officer at Southern Methodist University. She has a marketing degree from the University of Mississippi.

She has also worked professionally as a Pure Burre fitness instructor in the past.

On July 30, Kiffin shared a picture on Twitter celebrating his girlfriend on National Girlfriend Day. Rychlak commented on the photo on Twitter jokingly.

“I actually think we should just be friends!”

She retweeted a post by a Saturday Down South account titled, “Lane Kiffin & Ole Miss became the 1st CFB program to implement mental health training this off-season. Amazing.”

Did Lane Kiffin consider leaving Ole Miss?

Lane Kiffin admitted that he considered leaving Ole Miss to take the Auburn job. That consideration brought him a lot of criticism from fans, even though he ultimately stayed in Oxford.

ESPN's Alex Scarborough reported on the source of the animosity from Ole Miss fans.

"Kiffin took his time weighing the opportunity. And during that time, he didn't make any public statements that he wasn't going anywhere -- a tactic he'd seen backfire with football coaches in the past who wound up going back on their word."

Lane Kiffin explained his point of view on the incident.

"We screw up all the time," he said. "But when you think you're doing the right thing and then you're really criticized for it -- especially by your own people"

Surprisingly, the factor that swayed his decision to stay at Ole Miss was his daughter Landry asking him to stay. Landry Kiffin will be attending Ole Miss starting next year after her graduation.

“When Landry asked me to stay at Ole Miss for her, I did," Kiffin said. "When she asked me to get on stage for her, I did. High school graduation party in the backyard."

With Lane Kiffin dipping heavily into the transfer portal to bolster his roster, Ole Miss fans will likely fully forgive Kiffin if he can deliver them a National championship. What are your predictions for the 2023 season?

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