Tori Spelling admits she slept with 2 90210 guys: Brian Austin Green & who?

[embedded content] Tori Spelling will appear on an upcoming special, Tori Spelling: Celebrity Lie Detector, which will air on Saturday after The Unauthorized Beverly Hills, 90210 Story. Did you know this unauthorized bio was coming? Lifetime hasnt publicized it much in comparison to their Full House unauthorized movie a month ago. The main PR push

Tori Spelling will appear on an upcoming special, Tori Spelling: Celebrity Lie Detector, which will air on Saturday after The Unauthorized Beverly Hills, 90210 Story. Did you know this unauthorized bio was coming? Lifetime hasn’t publicized it much in comparison to their Full House unauthorized movie a month ago. The main PR push seems to be coming from Tori, and of course she’s a willing participant. Most of the others have had other stuff to do in the years that have passed, but Tori has never had a big role to set herself apart from the show.

In this promo clip, the host asks Tori if she slept with any of her 90210 cast members. She admitted to hooking up with two of them. One was Brian Austin Green, and the other definitely was not Ian Zierling:

On getting with David Silver: “Brian and I were the youngest. We were 16. I remember the time I shook his hand. I had, like, [those feelings]. He teased me, he would tease me a lot. He would pull on my peach fuzz and he’d be like, ‘Oh my gosh. You’re like a little lamb chop. You’re like my Chewbacca.’ I would be like, ‘Ugh, great. With all the hot extras around and these hot girls and I’m hoping he likes me.'”

Anyone else? “Yes, but I’m not going to tell you who it is. I’m not telling you. I’m trying to do my lie detector poker face. Half my friends don’t even know this…”

[From Lifetime]

Now we’re supposed to tune in to find out if Tori ends up naming names. She’s either talking about Jason Priestley or Luke Perry, of course. Is there anyone else from the cast who would have been worth it? She doesn’t specify if the guy is in the core group, but that’s the implication. Anyway, I am betting that it was Jason because there’s some bad blood there, and he got angry when Tori tried to sell his wedding invitation as 90210 memorabilia. That was a pretty passive-aggressive move on Tori’s part, so I bet they slept together. Whereas I would’ve chosen Luke Perry, given the chance. Dylan McKay was always my boo.

Tori Spelling

Tori Spelling

Photos courtesy of FOX & WENN

