Reese Witherspoons full arrest video now available: she seems pretty sober?

OK, the Georgia State Police have released more of the dash-cam videos of Reese Witherspoons arrest and OH MY GOD. I know various people have brought up this conspiracy theory before, but seriously how do we really know that Reese was drunk? I dont think she was. At one point, the arresting officer alludes to

OK, the Georgia State Police have released more of the dash-cam videos of Reese Witherspoon’s arrest and OH MY GOD. I know various people have brought up this conspiracy theory before, but seriously… how do we really know that Reese was drunk? I don’t think she was. At one point, the arresting officer alludes to the idea that if she had just stayed in the car, he would have allowed her to drive the Ford Focus home. Then when Reese is talking to a different cop, she plays the pregnancy card again and it’s REALLY believable. Like, I now think she’s truly pregnant and she was just being a completely sober, balls-out bitch to a cop. There’s definitely more to this story.

Here’s a CBS video where – at the beginning – you can hear the police officer cautioning Reese the first time to not leave her vehicle and she politely tells him that she will stay in the car. Then as the officer is arresting Jim Toth, that’s when she leaves the car again and starts throwing the hissy fit about being an American citizen.

Here’s the video of Jim and Reese after they’ve both been arrested. At first the officer is talking to her about what she did wrong and Reese spits out “I DISAGREE.” But really this is good because of the conversation between Jim and Reese while the officer calls in to his station, I guess. Jim sounds completely over it. He’s trying to reason with her but she’s still bitching about how she’s an “American citizen”.

Here’s video of Reese telling a completely different cop that she’s “in early pregnancy.” And she plays point-counterpoint with this cop about whether or not a cop has to show her “picture ID” when he’s arresting her. She really doesn’t seem drunk at all. But she’s lying her ass off about what she said to the arresting officer too.

Here’s the full video of the arrest – I feel a wave of sympathy for the arresting officer. OMG.

A lot of you have been having a field day about the subtext of Reese’s “I’m an American Citizen” ranting. I think to dismiss it as “white privilege” is too simplistic, although as I said before, if Reese and Jim were African-American or Arab-American or Hispanic, this whole situation would have gone down a lot differently, and someone probably would have gotten tasered or shot. But I think most of it is just about Reese being a cute, bubbly (white) girl and a movie star and thinking she can get out of anything because of all of that combined.

Reese stepped out in LA yesterday wearing a City of Atlanta Police hat. Whatevs, Reese.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.

