MrStiven Tcs Free Fire ID, stats, rank, YouTube earnings, and more in November 2022

The rise in Free Fire's popularity across the globe has aided many content creators in establishing themselves on platforms like YouTube. Because of this, MrStiven Tc has emerged as one of the most popular streamers with a considerable fanbase worldwide.

The rise in Free Fire's popularity across the globe has aided many content creators in establishing themselves on platforms like YouTube. Because of this, MrStiven Tc has emerged as one of the most popular streamers with a considerable fanbase worldwide.

The Colombian personality has grown immensely over the past several years and now holds a massive subscriber count of 9.71 million. On the other hand, his view count has surpassed the mark of 1.082 billion. Also, over 2.7 million people follow him on Instagram.

Disclaimer: Free Fire is banned in India. Hence, players belonging to the nation must avoid playing the game on their devices. However, they can continue to enjoy the MAX variant, as it was not named among the suspended applications.

MrStiven Tc’s Free Fire ID and stats

MrStiven Tc’s Free Fire ID is 10887979, and his ID level is 74. The content creator is presently ranked Heroic in Battle Royale, while in Clash Squad, it's Bronze I. The stats maintained by MrStiven Tc in Free Fire are listed below:

BR Career

MrStiven Tc's BR Career stats (Image via Garena)

MrStiven Tc has played 3,990 solo games and has 474 victories, which translates to a win rate of 11.87%. He has garnered 13,518 kills at a K/D ratio of 3.84.

The YouTuber has participated in 2,953 duo matches. He remains unbeaten in 518 of them, resulting in a win percentage of 17.54%. With 11,268 frags, he has a K/D ratio of 4.63.

In the squad mode, the gamer has participated in 9,909 matches and acquired 2,583 Booyahs, leading to a win ratio of 26.06%. There are 35,581 kills to his name, as well as a K/D ratio of 4.86.

BR Ranked

MrStiven Tc's BR Ranked stats (Image via Garena)

MrStiven Tc has competed in 72 solo games in the ongoing ranked season and boasts 11 first-place finishes, with a win percentage of 15.27%. He has killed 288 enemies in the game mode for a K/D ratio of 4.72.

In the duo matches, he has made 82 appearances and got the better of his foes in four, retaining a win rate of 4.87%. At a K/D ratio of 3.08, he has 240 frags.

Finally, MrStiven Tc has engaged in 68 squad matches and obtained 12 wins, translating to a win ratio of 17.64%. He has accumulated 352 kills, upholding a K/D ratio of 6.29.

Note: MrStiven Tc’s stats were recorded when writing this specific article (November 25, 2022). They will change as he continues to feature in more matches within the game.

MrStiven Tc’s YouTube earnings

MrStiven Tc's earnings from his channel (Image via Social Blade)

Social Blade mentions MrStiven Tc’s monthly YouTube earnings are between $2K and $32.5K. Meanwhile, the YouTuber’s yearly income from the channel is between $24.3K and $389.5K.

YouTube channel

Alongside the livestreams, MrStiven Tc has been consistently posting diverse content on his YouTube channel. He has also recently begun broadcasting Warzone 2 in addition to Free Fire.

The oldest video of the content creator dates to November 2017, and as of this writing, there are 1,454 uploads to his name. Among them, the highest-watched one has 42 million views.

According to the Social Blade website, MrStiven Tc has acquired 30 thousand subscribers in the last 30 days. He has also gained more than 8.115 million views in the same time period.

Check out the latest Free Fire MAX redeem codes here.

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