Is Honkai Star Rail available on GeForce Now?

Honkai Star Rail's player base has steadily increased since its April 26, 2023 debut. This massively popular free-to-play RPG from HoYoverse is available for various platforms, from mobiles to the PlayStation 5.

Honkai Star Rail's player base has steadily increased since its April 26, 2023 debut. This massively popular free-to-play RPG from HoYoverse is available for various platforms, from mobiles to the PlayStation 5.

Interestingly, HoYoverse has not yet opted to release the game for the popular GeForce Now streaming platform. This article sheds light on some details about this omission and provides alternative solutions.

Note: Parts of this article are subjective and reflect the author’s opinions.

Honkai Star Rail is not available on Nvidia’s GeForce Now streaming service

As of the time of writing this article, Honkai Star Rail is not available on Nvidia’s GeForce Now game streaming service. The game is not officially available on any streaming service either, adding to the conundrum.

This is especially disappointing considering the game's popularity and the nearly seven-month-long gap since its release.

Why HoYoverse may add Honkai Star Rail to GeForce Now in a later version

HoYoverse’s other free-to-play title, Genshin Impact, has been available on GeForce Now for quite a while. Nvidia has even held giveaways and mini-collaboration events to celebrate the title's release on its service.

Hopefully, given the increasing popularity of Honkai Star Rail, it will eventually be added to the streaming service and made accessible to a larger audience. The exact date, time, and possibility of this remains unclear.

Alternative methods for streaming Honkai Star Rail

While GeForce Now is still unsupported for the title, players can consider a few free alternatives. With Moonlight and PS Remote Play, gaining remote access to the game is easier than ever:


Based on an open-source version of Nvidia’s Gamestream protocol, Moonlight is an excellent free alternative to stream your favorite PC games onto your mobile device. Visual quality and framerates are unaffected, thanks to the game being run remotely on your main rig.

As long as you have a PC that exceeds the minimum system requirements and possesses a sufficiently strong internet connection, streaming the game at 4K resolution is possible. Moonlight is available for multiple platforms but requires a host PC to operate.

PS Remote Play

Thanks to the game's release on the PlayStation 5, players can now enjoy the title on the go using the PS Remote Play functionality. Simply register and connect a compatible device with your PlayStation 5 and stream the game over Wi-Fi or cellular data.

The newly released PlayStation Portal is a great candidate for this solution.

For more news on this gacha title, keep an eye out on Sportskeeda.

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