Is Donna Jordan of Jordan Fabrics still alive?

Donna was born in Trenton, New Jersey, and has lived in California for over 18 years. She worked for CAISO as an Electrical Engineer in Utility Management. Her colleagues and friends at CAISO will miss her terribly.

Donna was born in Trenton, New Jersey, and has lived in California for over 18 years. She worked for CAISO as an Electrical Engineer in Utility Management.

Her colleagues and friends at CAISO will miss her terribly.

Donna had an adventurous spirit and enjoyed traveling; she was devoted to her cat, Harlow.

Her interests included making others feel at ease, spreading joy and light, collecting Amish folk art and music from the 1960s and 1970s, and sharing special holiday traditions with her cherished family and friends.

Her father, Paul Jordan, predeceased her; she is survived by her mother, Virginia G. (Klimchak) Jordan; and her brothers, Paul Jordan .

Antonio Lopez “discovered” Donna Jordan and Jane Forth in New York.ordan moved to Paris with Lopez in 1970, and within a year she was on the cover of Vogue and a sought-after model, known for her modern, all-American style and electric personality.

Is Donna Jordan of Jordan Fabrics still alive?

Donna J. Jordan, 58, of Rancho Cordova, California, died on August 6, 2021, at Mercy Folsom Hospital in Folsom, California.

