Does Lizzo Have Kids?

Lizzo is one of todays most popular singers, known for ability to rap, sing, act, as well as being a classically trained flautist, the dynamic singer has shown herself to be a versatile talent, who isnt afraid to make her voice heard. Despite that, many people know very little about her personal life, which might

Lizzo is one of today’s most popular singers, known for ability to rap, sing, act, as well as being a classically trained flautist, the dynamic singer has shown herself to be a versatile talent, who isn’t afraid to make her voice heard. Despite that, many people know very little about her personal life, which might leave people wondering whether or not Lizzo has kids.

Lizzo does not have any children. Though she has two siblings, Lizzo has yet to start her own family, having spent the last decade toiling to pay her dues in the music industry before getting her big break in 2019.

Read more below about Lizzo, why she thought she might never have children, and how she feels about starting a family in the future.

Lizzo might be known for her over-the-top theatrical costumes on stage, as well as being a proponent of body positivity, but the singer did not always have the self-confidence she has now, often feeling like she would never have a good relationship or have any children.

After having a tumultuous relationship that ended in heartbreak when her then-boyfriend dumped her by voicemail, the singer channeled her emotions into her work, writing one of her biggest hits, “Truth Hurts.” Speaking of how her broken heart inspired her, she said, “I literally just kind of went in the booth and laid down everything verbatim that I had said about this person who had hurt me and I just said it to music.”

Despite the catharsis of writing, the singer still viewed herself in a negative light, unable to handle a relationship with friends or family, much less a new romance. The singer had an emotional breakdown while touring, forcing her to finally seek therapy.

During that time, Lizzo had bottled everything up from those around her, creating an unhealthy environment. Recalling how therapy gave her an outlet and taught her effective communication, Lizzo penned an op-ed for NBC, writing, “In therapy, I had to learn how to communicate because, even though I can be onstage talking to thousands of people, communicating my personal emotions to the people around me was so hard. Even just saying, You upset me because of this and that was extremely difficult for me. So when I was on a tour bus seven months out of the year with my best friends, and unable to communicate how I felt to them, it was going to go wrong somewhere.”

Though Lizzo eventually found therapy with a stranger daunting, the singer ultimately embraced it and after some soul-searching, she changed her views about relationships in general, noting that she was working on the relationship with her family members. Lizzo’s relationship with her family had become strained after the death of her father and ultimately resulted in her dropping out of college and fleeing Houston to pursue her music career.

Though her career shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon, Lizzo is no longer opposed to the idea of having children one day, telling The Sunday Times, “I open myself up to friendships. I open myself up to the idea of children, which is big for me, ’cause my albums are my babies.” Lizzo’s confidence has bounced back as well, with the singer boldly sliding into Drake’s DMs and jokingly asked Captain America actor Chris Evans to marry her. 

You can see a discussion about Lizzo’s openness to having children with the ladies from The Real in the YouTube video below.

Given the singer’s busy schedule, it’s unlikely children will be a part of her life for the foreseeable future, even though Lizzo is open to having kids and even a new relationship. Speaking of the impact her former heartbreak had on her, Lizzo said, “I’m not sad, because I use the pain so constructively. It’s inevitable. The pain is human experience.”

