21 Savage Speaks Out For The First Time Since He Got Released From Jail Watch The Video

The whole community celebrated the happy news that 21 Savage was released from prison.The Huffington Post wrote that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency released 21 Savage after having him behind bars for approximately nine days.

The whole community celebrated the happy news that 21 Savage was released from prison. The Huffington Post wrote that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency released 21 Savage after having him behind bars for approximately nine days.

A lot of his fellow rappers have been celebrating his release, and his mom offered her gratitude to everyone who supported her son while he was imprisoned.

Now, 21 Savage speaks for the very first time after he got out. Watch the interview below:


During the interview, the rapper detailed what happened the day he was arrested.

He said, ‘I was just driving. And I just seen guns and blue lights. And, then, I was in the back of a car. And I was gone.’

He continued to say that officials didn’t even tell him he was under arrest. ‘They didn’t say nothing. They just said, ‘We got Savage.’”‘

He also said ‘I feel like I done been through so much in my life, like, I learned to embrace the times when I’m down ’cause they always build me up and take me to a new level in life. So it’s like even if I’m sitting in a cell on 23-hour lockdown, in my mind, I know what’s gonna come after that. So I’m not happy about it. But I’m accepting of it.’

Someone said ‘They’re meant to tell him why he is being arrested but being black and all, you just have to do what they say before you end up being the reason behind another hashtag. 😔’

Another follower posted ‘If they didn’t read him his rights that’s a-whole-nother issue. I’ve watched enough SVU to know that’s illegal.’


What do you think about what 21 Savage had to say?

